About Centre


Energy efficiency is one of the waybills of the sustainability of Latvenergo. We have been building an understanding of the efficient use of energy sources for 27 years to make Latvia more beautiful and friendly for the environment and people every day.

The Elektrum Energy Efficiency Centre has been operating under the wing ofLatvenergo since 1997, being the only centre of this kind in the Baltics, which takes care of the education of customers in the energy efficiency in order to use electricity, water, and heat in a smarter and more efficient way.

The team of the Energy Efficiency Centre is convinced that actions and daily habits can reduce the spending of families on energy sources and help us protect and use our joint environmental resources reasonably. You are welcome to ask for our advice about:

  • lighting solutions,
  • heating and ventilation solutions,
  • selection and efficient use of the household electrical appliances,
  • the use of renewable energy resources,
  • electric vehicles and their charging options.

The Energy Efficiency Centre offers a free tour programme for groups and families, guest lectures for students, as well as individual consultations and an audio tour for any interested person.

In the Centre, we also demonstrate innovative exhibits and various electrical devices that help reduce energy consumption daily.

We invite you to get acquainted with the Energy Efficiency Centre and the benefits of an energy-efficient lifestyle now by taking an audio or virtual tour!

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