
If you are paying by bill, meter readings as of the previous month’s last day must be handed in until the 3rd day of each month. In a few days, we will calculate your consumption over the previous month and send a bill to you.

You can select the most convenient bill delivery option:

Bill delivery options - Elektrum

If you do not wish to wait to receive the next bill, you can use the quick bill option! 

If you choose to receive the bill by mail or SMS, you may incur additional mail or text message charges. Please see the current information in the Service Charges section. 

If you do not wish to wait to receive the next bill, you can pay immediately after submitting the meter readings! In this case, the portal will calculate your payment amount based on your submitted data. Until the bill is created in the first weeks of the next month, your payment will appear as overpaid amount in the portal. In some cases, if your submitted data will differ from the data collected by electricity distributor Sadales tīkls, the sum in the bill may differ from the payment amount the portal calculated.