Submission of meter readings

To pay for consumed electricity using an e-bill, you should submit your meter readings by the 3rd  date of each month. We recommend each customer to choose the most convenient way of submitting meter readings.

Readings may be submitted:

Via the self-service portal: 

  • a convenient and contemporary way to submit readings electronically, which will save time and allow you to submit the readings at any convenient time;
  • it allows you to avoid inaccuracies or errors in the process of submitting readings. Our system verifies the readings submitted and warns about possible errors;

By sending a text message to the 8800 number:

  • if you have a meter with 1 time zone, send your readings using the format: RAD space Agreement No. space meter reading. For example: RAD 90020030000 233378;
  • if you have a meter with 2 time zones, send your readings using the format: RAD space Agreement No. space d space meter reading (day) space n space, meter reading (night). For example: RAD 90020030000 d 233378 n 113443;

If you have two or more counters in your contract, please write your counter number instead of your agreement number. In this case, meter readings should be submitted via separate message.

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