Elektrum Stabilais

If you want a fixed electricity price for a longer period, Elektrum Stabilais is the best choice for you!
  • Stable, fixed price for 24 months
  • Payments via bill or Balanced Payment

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Product description

Elektrum Stabilais is suitable for you if you want a fixed price for longer period of time. With Elektrum Stabilais you do not have to worry about short term electricity price changes.

You can choose the most convenient payment method – Balanced Payment or Bill. Find out more about both payment methods here!


Your monthly electricity payment is made up of multiple components: the cost of electricity, transfer and distribution costs and VAT. Learn more about electricity price components here

Show prices

This component has no VAT applied

Electricity price Unit price
Electricity price 0.13552 EUR/kWh
Monthly fee 1.50 EUR per month
Termination fee 60.00 EUR
Electricity transfer costs Unit price
Fee for capacity maintaining (Basic-1, 1 phase) 0.41140 EUR/A
Fee for capacity maintaining (Basic-1, 3 phases) 0.99220 EUR/A
Fee for capacity maintaining (Basic-2) 0.99220 EUR/A
Fee for capacity maintaining (Special-1, 1 phase) 0.16940 EUR/A
Fee for capacity maintaining (Special-1, 3 phases) 0.39930 EUR/A
Fee for capacity maintaining (Special-2) 0.39930 EUR/A
Fee for electricity supply (Basic-1) 0.04794 EUR/kWh
Fee for electricity supply (Basic-2) 0.03130 EUR/kWh
Fee for electricity supply (Special-1) 0.19176 EUR/kWh
Fee for electricity supply (Special-2) 0.12521 EUR/kWh


The early product termination fee is EUR 30.00

Termination penalty 60.00 EUR
Late payment penalty for each delay date 0.15%
Payment date End of month

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