Electric cooker with metal hot plates

Generation of thermal energy is provided by a heating element placed in the base of the surface and covered with a metal sheath. The energy efficiency ratio of the electric cooker is slightly higher than that of the gas cooker, amounting to 40 – 45%. Cookers of this type are disappearing from store shelves due to their low energy efficiency.

Specification. When installing a cooktop with 4 hot plates, we recommend that you check whether the electricity connection is suitable and whether it is not necessary to increase the permitted load.

Energy efficiency. Relatively high electricity consumption.

Impact on indoor air quality. Soot and deposits are not formed.

Required cookware. It is recommended to use cookware with a thick base that serves as a heat accumulator.

Cooking speed. A relatively long time is required until the water reaches the boiling point.

Safety. The cooker does not turn off automatically.

Fire safety. There is a risk of getting burnt; hot plates cool down much slower than they heat up.

Care. Cleaning burnt food is not easy.

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