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Don’t forget to be energy efficient at Easter as well!

29 March 2021

The Easter is coming and spring is already right behind the corner. But how do you prepare for the holiday energy efficiently?

Time to boil eggs, but how can I cook energy efficiently?

When boiling eggs on an electric hob, select a pot with a thick base of suitable size for the hob ring. It is recommended to adjust the cooking temperature intensity – initially setting the maximum temperature but, as soon as the water starts boiling, reduce the intensity to maintain the cooking or boiling temperature. Adjust the heating intensity of the stove so that the water does not boil too much and eggs do not crack! Similarly, if a gas stove is used for cooking, the burner flame shall be regulated as necessary to reduce the gas consumption. No less important aspect, both when cooking and boiling eggs, is to put a lid on the pot, preferably a glass lid. You will not lose 30% of heat energy needlessly during boiling.

Efficient and tasty meal

When cooking in an oven, one of the main conditions affecting both gas and electric oven energy consumption is the temperature chosen – the higher it is, the more gas or electricity you will consume. Also remember to open the oven door as little as possible during cooking, as the internal temperature of the oven drops at each door opening.

Making hot drinks

While there is still a spring chill outside, you may still have a desire to sip tea or coffee more often. To make a hot drink quickly and effectively, we recommend boiling water in an electric kettle and paying attention to the amount of water poured into it. By boiling only the amount of water needed, rather than the full kettle, you’ll monthly save the amount of electricity sufficient for 15 laundry washing times.

Remember, however, that it is not recommended to boil less water in an electric kettle than the minimum mark on the kettle, so as not to damage its heating element. In addition, the kettle heating element must be decalcified regularly, as a 1 mm layer of calcification increases the consumption of electricity for water boiling by 10%.

Don’t forget to ventilate

On a regular basis, open the window completely for two, three minutes once or two times per hour. The air in the room will be exchanged as quickly as possible, but the furniture surfaces and floors will not have enough time to cool. If the radiator is equipped with a regulator, it is recommended to set it to the minimum mode before opening the window.

Go outdoors!

Going outdoors has a positive effect on your physical and mental health. But remember that whenever you go outside your home, turn off and disconnect from the socket the electrical appliances in standby mode – the television, decoders, the audio system or any other electrical device that has a digital display or a small lamp. It will save up to 10% of your house’s total electricity consumption!