
    • The lawnmower blades need to be sharpened regularly. Mowing your lawn with dull blades can injure the blades of grass. Furthermore, the device consumes more power when working with dull blades.
    • Washing the blades of the mower after each use is recommended. It is sufficient to wipe the blades with a damp cloth to get rid of grass stalks. After washing, you should also make sure that the blades are dry to prevent corrosion.
    • When using a lawnmower with a battery, the battery must be charged correctly. To avoid damaging the battery, the charge level should be kept above 20% and the battery should be disconnected after it has been fully charged.

Preparing for winter

  • When storing the lawnmower, it must be kept in a dry place and protected from the elements. To provide extra safety, specially designed covers can be used to cover the appliance for long-term storage.
  • When the mowing season ends, it is important to check for any remaining moisture before putting the lawnmower into storage. If required, it should be wiped, as moisture can cause the corrosion of the body.
  • After the season, the lawnmower should also be cleaned of grass and soil residues.
  • To ensure efficient work of the battery, it should be disconnected from the lawnmower when fully charged and stored in a cool, dry place when preparing for winter storage.

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