
  • Dust from the cooler at the back of the fridge should be cleaned regularly to ensure that the fridge works efficiently. Use of a vacuum cleaner or special brushes is preferable for this purpose.
  • The door seals on your fridge should be cleaned regularly and replaced if they are damaged.
  • It is important to check that the fridge door closes tightly. To prevent the fridge door from being left opened halfway, the fridge must be positioned in accordance with the instructions for use. If the door doesn’t close tightly, warm air is drawn into the refrigerator and freezer compartments and the electricity consumption to cool the air increases.
  • This can be checked as follows – if it’s difficult to pull out a sheet of paper pressed in the refrigerator door, everything is fine. If it slips out of the door, it means that the door is not sealed, and cold air is flowing out, while warm air is flowing in, which increases electricity consumption for cooling the air. In this case, the door seals need to be replaced.
  • Every centimetre of ice in the freezer increases electricity consumption by 10%; therefore, the refrigerator should be completely defrosted and vented at least once per year. This is especially important for older refrigerators that don’t have an automatic defrost function.
  • Refrigerators with automatic defrost or no frost function should be emptied and cleaned once a year or as instructed, by unplugging them from the socket in advance.
  • Before cleaning the freezer, the appliance must be unplugged from the socket.
  • We recommend you prepare a cold bag to put the products in to prevent them from spoilage.
  • Alternatively, you can place the products in a larger bowl and wrap it with foil and blankets – this will keep them frozen for at least 4–5 hours.
  • Initially, the freezer should be allowed to thaw naturally, or a bowl can be used, allowing the melting water to drip into it.
  • Do not use an abrasive sponge for cleaning as this can damage the freezer! Once all the ice has melted, the freezer should be wiped thoroughly with a cloth, which can be dampened with lukewarm water.

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