
  • It is recommended to install a ceiling lamp as the general light source, which is used as the main source of room lighting. This lamp should preferably be equipped with a dimmer, to ensure that the lighting can be adjusted to suit your specific needs.
  • How do I know if an LED bulb has a dimming function? This is indicated on the bulb packaging by a dimmer or light regulator pictogram. If it is crossed out, the bulb cannot be connected to the dimmer.
  • The colour of the light can have a psychological effect on productivity – bluish light stimulates energy, while warm white light creates a feeling of relaxation and calm. The most suitable lighting for residential lighting is a bulb with a warm white light colour that complies with 2700–3200 K (Kelvin degrees).
  • The lighting should be directed to the area where it is most needed; furthermore, it should be possible to make adjustments from a brighter to a warmer colour.
  • It is desirable to create several areas in the living room with different light, or to install light dimmers in each area.

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